

All sessions are based on the principles of Virginia Axline (one of the pioneers in the use of Play Therapy)

The sessions will be at the same time and in the same place each week, to ensure consistency for the child. Each session will be led by the child. All art work that is created by the child in the sessions will be kept safe by me until the end of the process. I will review with school and parents at around 8 weeks to discuss any changes and discuss how many sessions will be needed.

Child Therapy Lara Kent

Virginia Axline’s Principles for Non-Directive Play Therapy

  • Develops a warm and friendly relationship with the child.
  • Accepts the child as she or he is.
  • Establishes a feeling of permission in the relationship so that the child feels free to express his or her feelings completely.
  • Is alert to recognise the feelings the child is expressing and reflects these feelings back in such a manner that the child gains insight into his/her behaviour.
  • Maintains a deep respect for the child’s ability to solve his/her problems and gives the child the opportunity to do so. The responsibility to make choices and to institute change is the child’s.
  • Does not attempt to direct the child’s actions or conversations in any manner. The child leads the way, the therapist follows.
  • Does not hurry the therapy along. It is a gradual process and must be recognised as such by the therapist.
  • Only establishes those limitations necessary to anchor the therapy to the world of reality and to make the child aware of his/her responsibility in the relationship.