How should I prepare my child for the sessions?

This is personal preference but if you wish you can talk to your child about the reasons they are going to therapy. It may help to reassure them that the therapy is their choice and that nothing is expected of them in the session. It is helpful for some children to know that they do not need to talk or do anything they don’t want to. Some children like to see what they will be doing in the sessions and there are pictures of some of my kit on this page.

What will happen before the sessions?

I will gather information including;

  • Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire
  • Referral information from school
  • Family history information
How many sessions will my child have?

I will usually start with around 12 sessions, but will review with you and the child’s teacher at around 6-8 weeks to check progress and decide whether to extend sessions further.

What will children use in the sessions?

I will have a range of equipment available to your child including (but not limited to); Sand tray, art materials and clay, puppets, musical instruments, small world and role play, storytelling and games.

Will the sessions be confidential?

I am required to discuss all my sessions at Clinical Supervision. This is for training and governance purposes only and will only go any further if I am concerned about the child’s or anyone else’s safety.

Why is my child acting out more since therapy has begun?

Sometimes behaviour may appear to get worse before it gets better, because children are working through their difficulties – please get in touch if you have any concerns during the process!

Why isn’t my child making any progress?

All children make progress at different rates. Sometimes they will show huge amounts of progress in the therapy room, but it may take longer for this to show on the outside world!